I was an Obama fan for about as long as most Americans were, about as long as it took to realize that Obama had no intention of ever following through on most of his promises. In the case of withdrawing troops, he did the exact opposite of what he had promised. If you're still an Obama fan, watch "The Obama Deception" on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw
Or the newer "Fall of the Republic" (they're both worthwhile):
The above photo refers to the fact that most of Obama's family, and at least one old Kenyan newspaper, insists that he was born in Kenya, thus disqualifying him from being an American president.
Anyone care to place a wager that Obama's Kenyan birth certificate will "mysteriously" surface in a couple of years and they will say "Well, now that we've had a foreign-born president, let's abolish that American-born rule and run Schwarzenegger for president".
This photo refers to the fact that Obama has played more golf in his first year as president than George W. Bush played in all eight years that he was the president. I never thought I would long for the days of George Bush to return.
This photo refers to Obama's multiple promises over the years to always discuss policies publicly, something that hasn't occurred yet. You can see a string of these C-Span promises he made on a YouTube video:
"Yes We Can" was Obama's catch phrase during his campaign but it still appears, a year after he took office, that he can't, he never will, and he doesn't even want to.
The fifth photo refers to Obama's scandalous Nobel Peace Prize. How can a leader who increases troops in two wars that were unnecessary to begin with be awarded a Peace Prize? Even Obama can't tell you the answer to that one. Suffice it to say, a pop can with a five cent deposit is worth more than the Nobel Peace Prize these days (not the money, just the prize).
The last photo refers to the estimated 23 trillion dollars in bailout money that Obama has paid out to his rich handlers. Yes, we are now paying CEO billionaires millions in welfare money as a reward for for running their banks incompetently.
I hope that Obama will represent the people better in the future, but I won't hold my breath. Has any president really followed the will of the people since Kennedy?
If you like the photos, please send them around. Send your friends here, too. Or you can create your own photos at http://www.memegenerator.net/ (note: rapant racism on there unfortunately).
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