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Sunday, 24 July 2011

Info Post
Perhaps it is an exaggeration to say that everyone Lady Gaga asks to collaborate with her dies soon after, and yet Clarence Clemons and Amy Winehouse have both passed away in the last month. 

Gaga collaborated with Clemons on two songs for her latest album.  Gaga asked Winehouse to collaborate with her as well but she refused.

Grace Jones turned down Gaga and lived to tell about far.  Michael Jackson was reportedly dying to collaborate with Gaga before he died.  Brian May of Queen has collaborated with her.  David Bowie denied that he was working with her.  Dolly Parton has expressed an interest in working with Gaga. 

Priyanka Chopra from Bollywood denied that they were getting together but wanted to.  Britney Spears is another rumoured collaborator for Gaga.  Cher announced only three days ago that she will be working with Gaga.

But now let's go back to June 20, 2011:

Ryan Dunn from Jackass is dead at the age of 34.  He died in a car crash today.  Ryan and his passenger were burned by fire, as were offerings to Ba'al in ancient times.  Their burned bodies were not subject to autopsies.


Celebrations of satanic holy days begin the day before.  Ryan died on June 20, 2011 at about 3:30 a.m.  In numerology, 6/20/11 is 8/11.  Eight is the sun worshipper's number and eleven is destruction.  The Summer Solstice this year is June 21.  Was Ryan Dunn a human sacrifice for the Summer Solstice?

Yes, Ryan was a reckless driver, fond of high speeds and alcohol.  This is by far the easiest type of victim to cover up in the event of a deliberately caused fatality.  Rock star deaths are also easy to cover up.

Ironically, Ryan made four videos with the band CKY ("Camp Kill Yourself").

Dunn never collaborated with Lady Gaga.   

June 29, 2011:
Recently, saxophonist Clarence Clemons from Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band appeared in a Lady Gaga video for the song "The Edge of Glory". 

According to Gaga, the song is about an elderly man and his last moment on Earth before he dies.  A month later, Clarence Clemons, age 69, was dead.  Is this life imitating art?  Or something more sinister?  Remember that strokes can be artificially induced if required.

One is smiling.
The other has an Eye of Horus.

Officially, the song is about Gaga's grandfather, who died in 2010.  One line in the song is "Put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames".  Clarence Clemons always wore shades.  Did Lady Gaga's grandfather wear shades?  I doubt it.

Lady Gaga remarked "...when it's all said and finished there will be things I dread, and every time I hear (The Edge of Glory), I'll hear them".  Is she referring to her grandfather or Clarence Clemons?

They arranged for Clemons to play the American National Anthem on April Fool's Day this year.  I shudder to think what that symbolizes, with the death of America a distinct possibility.  After all, America is the "Big Man" of the world stage.

Sheet music says "Fool's Overture"
Supertramp's opinion of the American National Anthem.

We are told that Clemons suffered a stroke on June 12, 2011.  He was reported in stable condition.  Bruce Springsteen said that "All initial signs are encouraging".  

Suddenly, Clemons died on June 18, 2011.  In numerology, that's 8/11 and 11/11.  Eight is the sun worshipper's number.  Eleven is destruction.  June 18 is part of the Summer Solstice celebration which culminated on June 21 this year.  Jesus' death and resurrection was also three days. 

Was the wonderful Clarence Clemons the symbolic death and resurrection of the "Big Man" of the Summer Solstice, Horus the Sun god?  Hopefully not.  Then again, Lady Gaga seems to flash the Eye of Horus symbol about a hundred times a day. 


No wonder Amy Winehouse refuses to collaborate with Lady Gaga, her reckless lifestyle would make her the perfect victim.

(Update:  I just wrote that line half an hour ago, and now I hear that Amy Winehouse is dead at the age of 27.)

Rest in peace, Clarence, and thank you for your great solos that brought us so much joy.

(And rest in peace, Amy.  Thank you for your wonderful voice.) 

Richard Evans also noticed the Clemons/Gaga connection and has added more info to this story:


Lastly, famous Christian evangelist David Wilkerson was killed in a car crash on April 27 of this year.  This was during the satanic Grand Climax week, leading up to Beltane on May 1st.  We are told that Wilkerson crossed the median and collided head on with a truck.  Why would he do that?

Four days later Bin Laden was allegedly killed, on the satanic holiday of Beltane. 

See my blog on David Wilkerson to learn about how his amazing economic predictions came true:
No, Mr. Wilkerson did not collaborate with Lady Gaga, but that's not really what this article is about.

Human sacrifices are a primary source of demonic power in satanism, especially if they have global participation.  Unnatural and suspicious deaths of celebrities who die during satanic holy days should always be questioned. 

Until then, everybody is innocent until proven guilty. 

Stay awake.  Only when everyone is blind is the One Eyed Man a king.


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