Breaking News
Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Info Post
At 1:42 pm today (June 23, 2010), in Toronto (also in Ottawa, Montreal, and other regions), there was the first "earthquake" in living memory here, going back to at least 1960.  It was actually a powerful tremor in Toronto, not an earthquake, but for a region with virtually no powerful tremors for the past fifty years or more, it was still significant.  And suspicious.

Actually, I also felt a sizable tremor last night at about 2 am, which nobody else seems to have felt.  It was not reported by the media either.

What a "coincidence" that the strongest tremor in fifty years or more heralds the beginning of the new world order's G20 meeting in Toronto this week.

The last major world event to take place in Canada was the Winter Games in Vancouver in February.  At the end of the games was a major earthquake in Chile.

Two days ago I noticed that the sky around the airport was filled with chemtrails and highly unusual cloud formations.  In fact, they were so artificial looking, I took three photos of them. 

The sky was filled with small, mottled "popcorn" clouds, some in neat rows.  Then there were whispy light grey clouds that looked like carbon monoxide.  They had no resemblance to storm clouds, which are darker and usually cumulus.  Thirdly, were the criss-crossing chemtrails that did not disappear like steam but hung in the air like thick clotheslines.  There was not a natural cloud in the sky:

June 21, 2010, Toronto Airport region.
Note the "smog" in neat rows at the bottom.

June 21, 2010, Toronto Airport region

June 21, 2010, Toronto Airport region

June 23, 2010, Toronto Airport region, immediately after the 1:42 pm tremor.

I began thinking about the motive for these chemtrails.  "Why would the so-called elite want to poison their own air for the G20?" I thought.  "They wouldn't" was the answer.  So what other purpose could the cloud-seeding have?

I also noticed an unusual aircraft at the time.  It was large with wings, but shaped differently from passenger planes, and faster as well, but under Mach 1.  It was not leaving chemtrails when I saw it, but it seemed to be a surveillance plane for the G20.  Is the US "Aurora" now flying over Canadian skies?  And is the Canadian government complicit with this?:

Yesterday it rained and I thought "Either they want to induce rain prior to the summit so that Toronto is sunny for the delegates during the G20, or maybe they want it to rain to discourage the protestors from coming?"

Then the tremors began.  This immediately brought to mind the HAARP technology in Alaska and Greenland which can cause intense vibrations deep within the earth.

Here is a video about HAARP if you are not familiar with it:

Here is more information, including the Japan earthquake and tsunami of March 2011:

If they shake the earth with a machine, that does not make them God, it makes them evil.  Hardly anything to boast about. 

And isn't it comforting to know that our tax dollars are being spent on technology like HAARP, sound cannons, and now microwave "pain cannons" to be used against us?  Our tax dollars at work.

Update:  The earthquake was a 5.0 on the Richter Scale and centered in the Ottawa/Gatineau region.  So it just "coincidentally" had an epicentre in the capital region of our country, Ottawa, and affected Canada's two most populous cities, Toronto and Montreal. 

It seems to have been a sabre-rattling "friendly reminder" from the Big Boys that any opposition by the Canadian government to their G20 new world order plans this week will result in a future disaster.

Now is that any way to treat the host country, which has gone another billion dollars or more in the hole to accomodate you?

The flag of Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is 666.
It also resembles a Hindu yoni (sex worship).
Also notice the new world order ouroboros (snake eating its tail), prevalent in corporate logos.
You should be concerned.

An earthquake measuring 5.4 hit the Ottawa Valley in 1998, and another measuring 5.5 hit Western Quebec in 2002.  Neither quake was felt markedly in Toronto.  Today's was felt by most because it had a depth of approximately 11 miles, which results in its effects being more widely felt.  An epicentre penetrating many miles below the surface is also a feature of HAARP technology.

A high-ranking Japanese official last year went public with a threat they had received.  The Japanese government was ordered to toe the line or an earthquake would hit Japan.  A tremor was sent as a warning.  Japan conceded.

I might add that today's date is June 23rd, 2010, or 6/23/2010.  Luciferians love the numbers 6 (6=the number of Man, and 6=Saturn=satan), 23 (an event that affects everyone, 23=W=shin=lucifer/metatron in kabbalah, 23=W=300 in kabbalah=Committee of 300) and 3 (2+0+1+0):  3=royalty, III=6 6 6 in kabbalah.  It is also very near to their beloved summer solstice.

Yes, the vast majority will believe that the tremors just happened to "naturally occur" at a high level in the capital region during G20 week.  They have the right to believe what they want, until the new world order takes over, which will unfortunately be sooner rather than later.

If the tremors return, leave your house immediately.  It is safer outside.

Please don't send emails about where you felt the tremors, we all felt them.  However, please send emails about unusual weather formations earlier this week.


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