Breaking News
Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Info Post
Are you interested in viewing the John F. Kennedy assassination footage, filmed by Abraham Zapruder on November 22, 1963 in Dealy Plaza?  Are you interested in perhaps hearing the various theories of what happened that day on YouTube?

Sorry, you can't.  When you click on the video, it says "An error has occurred, please try again later".  Has the footage been pulled from YouTube, despite the fact that it is the property of the US government and, therefore, should be available under "fair use" as copyright protection laws do not apply?  This is not just one video, it is dozens of videos all on the same topic that have suddenly disappeared from view on the Google-owned video website YouTube.

Is this just a YouTube malfunction?  Or is it the beginning of the censorship of free speech discussions and opinions involving JFK theories that do not follow the official story?  Has free speech become debatable and optional and removable in the USA?  Actually, it has:

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan proposed just such an idea on September 9, 2009 (or 9/9/9, a hidden "666"). 

BCRA sections 203 and 441b, according to Kagan, allow the censorship by the government of books, television and radio broadcasts, pamphlets, posters, the internet, and any other medium, in direct violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

The DISCLOSE Act (Bill HR 5175) also proposes to limit free speech to "protect our democracy".  Did censorship protect nazi Germany or communist Russia?  Quite the opposite, censorship destroys democracy.  The forefathers knew this hundreds of years ago, that is why they protected free speech in the Constitution, recently upheld by the US Supreme Court.  Like I say, each time these losers fail, they just try again a few months later with new wording.

Of course, the version of the Zapruder film we have seen over the years had already been censored back in 1963.  Four crucial frames (208-211) had been removed, 314 and 315 were switched, and frame 284 was replaced with a repeat of 283.  Also, there was a pause of action between frame 132 and 133.  The film was first shown to the public on television twelve years later, in 1975.

Apparently, one of the four videos filmed that day has never been seen by the public in the ensuing 46 years.

We can only hope that these JFK YouTube videos will be functioning again by tomorrow.

They're back (disturbing images):


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