Breaking News
Monday, 10 May 2010

Info Post
     I'm starting to catch on to the patterns of the "powers that be":  If they try to pull a scam and it doesn't fly, then they just try it again a few months later.  We are conditioned by this repetition process to think "I've heard this before, so it must be okay".  Brave New World 101.

     Case in point:  Canada's "Designated Free Speech Zones".  Until our sovereignty is handed over to the communist UN, all of Canada is still a free speech zone.  However, the government-controlled media would have us believe otherwise.

     They tried this scam in Vancouver for the Winter Olympics.  Concerned that protestors would reveal Canada's shortcomings to a worldwide audience, the government established "Free Speech Zones" (aka "Protest Pens"). 

     Their legitimate concern to put Canada's best foot forward on the world stage is understandable.  The communist-style oppression of the right to convene and peacefully protest is not.

     Certainly no protest signs were visible on the government-controlled news programs.  Some protestor scuffles broke out, which, as always, could easily have been instigated by government hired goons hidden among the protestors, to send the message "Protest bad, government good".

     The implication is that if you speak your mind outside of the "Free Speech Zone", you are breaking the law and can be arrested and/or imprisoned.  By extension, the 99.99999% of Canada that lies outside of these tiny zones is a "No Free Speech Zone". 

     Suddenly, the freedom of speech we have enjoyed since our inception is becoming illegal.  Communism isn't dead, it has just gone underground and spread like a plague throughout the world.  "Welcome to the New World Order", as Bruce Springsteen sang in his song "The Ghost of Tom Joad".

     Which brings us to the approaching G-20 Summit in Toronto.  Suddenly, the eyes of the world will be upon us once again, and the government is eager to pretend that everything is perfect in Canada. 

     The freedom to protest is no longer a few hundred metres from the action, it is now being coralled a few kilometres away from the central site, on the other side of town, in a "Designated Speech Area".

     As our civil liberties shrink down to nothing, the distance between the corruption and the protestors increases exponentially.

     What Ottawa doesn't seem to understand is that much of what makes Canada great is transparency, accountability, and human rights.  So Long Live Canada!  The real Canada, where the will of people takes precedence over special interest groups and corporate fascism.
     Why are Canadian citizens paying about a billion dollars for these elitist "parties" where the traitorous destruction of Canada's sovereignty with a North American Union is being discussed and planned?  It won't be the first time we have financed them to rob and betray us.  The high expense of the G20 is certainly an effective way to help bankrupt the Canadian economy for a NAU takeover.

     See my previous post if you don't know what Bilderberg is.  (Once again, you're not really supposed to know).

     I love the Canadian government.  I hate corruption, and, quite frankly, so should they.  So let's keep all of Canada a "Designated Speech Zone".


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