First of all, who are the illuminati? To oversimplify, the illuminati are billionaire bankers who worship lucifer (satan).
And why would they want worldwide protests against their own system? Because the protests are largely communist in nature and the illuminati's coming New World Order is going to be a communist dictatorship.
Even the signs for "Occupy Toronto" are communist. They depict a clenched fist on a blood red background with a "toppled cross" (map) at the bottom. The height of the online poster is 666 pixels.
Communist words like "solidarity" and "revolution" are rampant at the protest.
Most of the protesters are being deceived into choosing the wrong causes to support. By being anti-capitalist, they are automatically being pro-communist. By being pro-communist, they are automatically being anti-God.
In other words, their spiritual beliefs are exactly the same as the corrupt corporate leaders they think they are opposing. The Occupy protesters should be protesting financial corruption, not capitalism. Be wary of the Hegelian dialectic: Divide and conquer.
Many of the photos on the "We Are the 99%" Tumbler blog are using the "Eye of Horus" symbol (one eye hidden). This is an illuminati symbol for sun worship (satan worship).
Most of the protesters are too young to realize that "We Are All One" is an occult concept that supports the new world order. We are not All One! That is called "collectivism" and it takes away all the rights and property of the individual and gives them to the corporations, the exact opposite of what the protests should be striving for. We are all separate and unique individuals under God.
This "spontaneous" global protest coincides perfectly with the satanic calendar because it began on October 15th, the first Saturday after October 13th, which is the beginning of the preparation period for the satanic high holy day, Samhain (Hallowe'en) from October 31st to November 1st.
The preparations include the abduction, holding, and ceremonial preparation of individuals for human sacrifice.
Many people believe that corporate leaders are not spiritual. This is not true. They are very spiritual, only they venerate evil forces instead of following God's plan of love and peace.
Corporate leaders and bankers are by and large luciferians, satanists, and New Agers.
Their power is obtained not only through money, but also through deception, fear, symbology, numerology, sacred geometry, and blood rituals. They practise yoga and meditation, which venerate pagan gods (demons).
You will never hear a corporate leader mention Jesus, because Jesus is the antithesis of everything they stand for. They hoard billions and trillions of dollars. Jesus taught us to take care of the poor, the widows, and the orphans.
Corporate leaders lie, cheat, steal, and frequently kill to get ahead financially. Jesus said that there will be no liars in heaven, and that "it is easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle" than for a rich man to get into heaven.
Most corporate leaders believe that nobody is important except their immediate friends and family. Jesus said "Love Your Neighbour" and even "Love Your Enemy".
Sadly, the protesters are unaware that Jesus represents their ideals perfectly, not New Age beliefs.
It is important to understand that corporations do not want capitalism, they want communism. Why? Because in capitalism, there is competition, and laws, rules, and regulations to adhere to.
Corporations want to finagle communist style monopolies with no competition, no rules to follow, and dissent made illegal. That is a major reason why Wall Street financially supported the communists during the Bolshevik Revolution.
That is also a major reason why they are propping up communist China and financially destroying America: To create the illusion that communism is a superior system.
This is, of course, the exact opposite of what is in our own best interest. For us, a Free Market economy is the best system, where the highest quality ethical product at the lowest price sells the most units, not the products of the best "backroom deal maker".
A democracy is not the best political system either. Democratic majorities can be constantly swayed like the wind. The illuminati love democracies because they can be so easily manipulated to do their will, but maintain the illusion of freedom.
Modern democracies also teach illuminati ideals such as feminism, abortions, polytheism, transsexualism, and transhumanism. Modern democracies oppose families, heterosexuality, and monotheistic religions. This is why they want to destroy traditionalism in the Middle East and everywhere else.
For proof of this, look in any mainstream newspaper and try to find a positive story about Christians or Muslims. Try to find a negative story about feminists, pagans, wiccans, or druids. Good luck.
A (non-socialist) Republic, based on the U.S. Constitution, is a far better system, where the laws are immutable.
With these Occupy protests, the illuminati have engineered another artificial "Global Event". We are really a planet of separate sovereign nations, at least on paper.
The term "Global Economy" is a hoax. I'll repeat that, because it is important: The term "Global Economy" is a hoax. There is no Global economy, just many sovereign economies being attacked at the same time.
The illuminati controlled media is endlessly repeating their fabricated mantra "Global economy" to brainwash us into believing in a global new world order mentality.
To those who think the Occupy protests were spontaneous, and not a setup, I say this: Do you really believe that all these events just "spontaneously occurred" on the exact same day worldwide? Think again.
The movement was started on July 13th (note the occult 13) by the corporate magazine Adbusters. To their credit, they are also a corporate-bashing magazine, which is perhaps why they were chosen for this task.
The purpose of these protests is to get the World so disillusioned with their local and national governments that they demand a change, not knowing that they will become slaves to a communist new world order dictatorship far worse than the present system, if they survive the depopulation program.
Ask yourself, do you really want socialist communism, a system that has killed 150 million innocent victims in the last hundred years under genocidal mass murderers like Mao and Stalin?
It's the Hegelian dialectic: Create conflict by dividing a group into two opposing forces, then offer a "solution" to the conflict that is in your own self-interest.
Any scam they use that gets results, they will keep repeating until the End of Time, or until we catch on to their ruse, whichever comes first. Probably the End of Time.
As protests increase in the future, they will be used to "justify" and fund rising police states all over the world, to increase global surveillance, and to further strip us of our human rights.
People ask "Why would the illuminati allow protests that expose them?". The protests so far do not expose them.
The signs in New York have meaningless slogans like "We are the 99%". Have you seen any signs on television that say something meaningful like "End the Fed", "9/11 Was an Inside Job", or "Stop Chemtrails"?
I went down to observe what they were doing in Toronto. There was alot of talk about "spirituality" but no mention of God. How can you have spirituality without God, unless it comes from below?
Although a loudspeaker was available to the speakers, the crowd parroted every word of every speaker by repeating it all out loud instead. They held a mass meditation.
It was apparent that most of the protesters believed in the same false pagan New Age gods (demons) that the corporations follow. If the corporations are to be opposed successfully, then they must also be opposed spiritually. These New Age beliefs do not oppose the corporations, they support the corporations. Only belief in God has the power to overcome evil.
Peaceful protest does not affect ruthless dictators. It is laughable when mainstream media reports that these peaceful protests are making a difference and they believe it. If you were a ruthless dictator, would a peaceful protest make you step down? Of course not.
There are only three ways to make evil corporate leaders stop: If you boycott their product and cost them money, if you vote the politicians who support them out of office, or if you jail them.
Just as in all illuminati designed events, there are undercover agents photographing everybody's face (biometrics) and agents provocateurs (hired thugs) in some locations to instigate riots. The riots so far primarily took place in Italy and Colorado.
For proof that the anarchists dressed in black are often really police officers, look up "Black Bloc Quebec" on YouTube.
When you think about peaceful protest, what are the first three names you think of? Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and the Dalai Lama.
Gandhi studied Theosophy under satanist Madam Blavatsky. He admitted in his autobiography to beating his wife.
Martin Luther King's top advisor was a communist and, according to Jacqueline Kennedy, King had wild sex orgies while still married. No doubt his activities were filmed to "keep him in line".
The Dalai Lama sought the CIA for weapons and training in the 1959 Tibetan Rebellion. The Dalai Lama and his corrupt elite slaveowner advisors were forced to flee after they lost. Tibetan citizens said they had more freedom under Chinese communism than under the Dalai Lama.
Some heroes.
“The more chaotic [the situation] becomes the better; for it will help train our troops and toughen the masses. Furthermore, [the chaos] will provide a sufficient reason to crush the rebellion and carry out reforms in the future.” (Mao Tse Tsung on the Tibetan Rebellion).
"I am a supporter of globalization" (Dalai Lama).
In television footage of the protest on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, the entire event was clearly staged. The protesters on camera were very bad actors who could not even read a cue card properly.
On the pavement was a chalk mark indicating where the police actors should stand for the cameras. See YouTube for the video.
Many protesters on the bridge reported feeling like they had been "lured into a trap", having been escorted by police part of the way before being contained. This sounds like the same "kettling" technique used on peaceful protesters during the G20 in Toronto.
It goes without saying that the Libyan and Egyptian protests were also setups. After Qadaffi was in power for 42 years, the United States "suddenly realized" that he was a ruthless oppressor this year? Right.
NATO is to end their Libya campaign on October 31. Once again, they waited for their satanic high holy day of the year to add their symbolism to their mess.
It is sadly amusing to watch youths manipulated through social media sites showing up for the protests and wondering "What are we doing here? What is our cause?". Very few speakers addressed the real issues and even fewer provided practical solutions.
Also notice that the Occupy Toronto protesters were stuck in the middle of nowhere, miles away from Bay Street (Toronto's "Wall Street") and City Hall, where nobody could see them.
This mirrors the G20 plan last year to stick the protestors in Allan Gardens, miles away from the action at the G20 Convention Centre.
The 2010 plan fell through as the crowd rejected their "protest pen". That hasn't happened this time around.
Think about it: If these protests were not in the illuminati's best interests, do you think they would report it every day in the illuminati controlled mass media? Of course not. The surrounding streets are full of media vehicles waiting for a speaker to say something they want to broadcast.
And if these protests were not in the illuminati's best interests, how quickly do you think the police would have been ordered to clamp down on them? About an hour. The protesters have now been there over a week.
Further proof that the protests are a staged illuminati event: They keep sending celebrities to Wall Street to keep the star worshippers interested in the story.
Did you ever notice that celebrities appearing in the stands at pro sports events are usually bored out of their skulls? That's because they don't want to be there. They are ordered to be there by their handlers, to promote the vacuous diversion of professional sports to the masses. This helps keep the public opiated and unaware that they are being robbed, poisoned, programmed, and enslaved. So do television, music, movies, video games, and internet porn. Enjoy the show.
This blog is not meant to discourage the protesters, only to raise awareness of the traps we are entering into, primarily communism, the occult, and a rising police state.
It would be wonderful to turn around this illuminati staged event so it bites them in the asp, kind of like an ouroboros (serpent) eating its own tail. Let's start by throwing away these meaningless 99% signs and making some real signs.
And why would they want worldwide protests against their own system? Because the protests are largely communist in nature and the illuminati's coming New World Order is going to be a communist dictatorship.
Even the signs for "Occupy Toronto" are communist. They depict a clenched fist on a blood red background with a "toppled cross" (map) at the bottom. The height of the online poster is 666 pixels.
This communist style poster alone should set off warning signals.
Communist words like "solidarity" and "revolution" are rampant at the protest.
Most of the protesters are being deceived into choosing the wrong causes to support. By being anti-capitalist, they are automatically being pro-communist. By being pro-communist, they are automatically being anti-God.
In other words, their spiritual beliefs are exactly the same as the corrupt corporate leaders they think they are opposing. The Occupy protesters should be protesting financial corruption, not capitalism. Be wary of the Hegelian dialectic: Divide and conquer.
Many of the photos on the "We Are the 99%" Tumbler blog are using the "Eye of Horus" symbol (one eye hidden). This is an illuminati symbol for sun worship (satan worship).
Most of the protesters are too young to realize that "We Are All One" is an occult concept that supports the new world order. We are not All One! That is called "collectivism" and it takes away all the rights and property of the individual and gives them to the corporations, the exact opposite of what the protests should be striving for. We are all separate and unique individuals under God.
This "spontaneous" global protest coincides perfectly with the satanic calendar because it began on October 15th, the first Saturday after October 13th, which is the beginning of the preparation period for the satanic high holy day, Samhain (Hallowe'en) from October 31st to November 1st.
The preparations include the abduction, holding, and ceremonial preparation of individuals for human sacrifice.
Many people believe that corporate leaders are not spiritual. This is not true. They are very spiritual, only they venerate evil forces instead of following God's plan of love and peace.
Corporate leaders and bankers are by and large luciferians, satanists, and New Agers.
Their power is obtained not only through money, but also through deception, fear, symbology, numerology, sacred geometry, and blood rituals. They practise yoga and meditation, which venerate pagan gods (demons).
You will never hear a corporate leader mention Jesus, because Jesus is the antithesis of everything they stand for. They hoard billions and trillions of dollars. Jesus taught us to take care of the poor, the widows, and the orphans.
Corporate leaders lie, cheat, steal, and frequently kill to get ahead financially. Jesus said that there will be no liars in heaven, and that "it is easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle" than for a rich man to get into heaven.
Most corporate leaders believe that nobody is important except their immediate friends and family. Jesus said "Love Your Neighbour" and even "Love Your Enemy".
Sadly, the protesters are unaware that Jesus represents their ideals perfectly, not New Age beliefs.
It is important to understand that corporations do not want capitalism, they want communism. Why? Because in capitalism, there is competition, and laws, rules, and regulations to adhere to.
Corporations want to finagle communist style monopolies with no competition, no rules to follow, and dissent made illegal. That is a major reason why Wall Street financially supported the communists during the Bolshevik Revolution.
That is also a major reason why they are propping up communist China and financially destroying America: To create the illusion that communism is a superior system.
This is, of course, the exact opposite of what is in our own best interest. For us, a Free Market economy is the best system, where the highest quality ethical product at the lowest price sells the most units, not the products of the best "backroom deal maker".
A democracy is not the best political system either. Democratic majorities can be constantly swayed like the wind. The illuminati love democracies because they can be so easily manipulated to do their will, but maintain the illusion of freedom.
Modern democracies also teach illuminati ideals such as feminism, abortions, polytheism, transsexualism, and transhumanism. Modern democracies oppose families, heterosexuality, and monotheistic religions. This is why they want to destroy traditionalism in the Middle East and everywhere else.
For proof of this, look in any mainstream newspaper and try to find a positive story about Christians or Muslims. Try to find a negative story about feminists, pagans, wiccans, or druids. Good luck.
A (non-socialist) Republic, based on the U.S. Constitution, is a far better system, where the laws are immutable.
With these Occupy protests, the illuminati have engineered another artificial "Global Event". We are really a planet of separate sovereign nations, at least on paper.
The term "Global Economy" is a hoax. I'll repeat that, because it is important: The term "Global Economy" is a hoax. There is no Global economy, just many sovereign economies being attacked at the same time.
The illuminati controlled media is endlessly repeating their fabricated mantra "Global economy" to brainwash us into believing in a global new world order mentality.
To those who think the Occupy protests were spontaneous, and not a setup, I say this: Do you really believe that all these events just "spontaneously occurred" on the exact same day worldwide? Think again.
The movement was started on July 13th (note the occult 13) by the corporate magazine Adbusters. To their credit, they are also a corporate-bashing magazine, which is perhaps why they were chosen for this task.
The purpose of these protests is to get the World so disillusioned with their local and national governments that they demand a change, not knowing that they will become slaves to a communist new world order dictatorship far worse than the present system, if they survive the depopulation program.
Ask yourself, do you really want socialist communism, a system that has killed 150 million innocent victims in the last hundred years under genocidal mass murderers like Mao and Stalin?
It's the Hegelian dialectic: Create conflict by dividing a group into two opposing forces, then offer a "solution" to the conflict that is in your own self-interest.
Any scam they use that gets results, they will keep repeating until the End of Time, or until we catch on to their ruse, whichever comes first. Probably the End of Time.
As protests increase in the future, they will be used to "justify" and fund rising police states all over the world, to increase global surveillance, and to further strip us of our human rights.
People ask "Why would the illuminati allow protests that expose them?". The protests so far do not expose them.
The signs in New York have meaningless slogans like "We are the 99%". Have you seen any signs on television that say something meaningful like "End the Fed", "9/11 Was an Inside Job", or "Stop Chemtrails"?
I went down to observe what they were doing in Toronto. There was alot of talk about "spirituality" but no mention of God. How can you have spirituality without God, unless it comes from below?
Although a loudspeaker was available to the speakers, the crowd parroted every word of every speaker by repeating it all out loud instead. They held a mass meditation.
It was apparent that most of the protesters believed in the same false pagan New Age gods (demons) that the corporations follow. If the corporations are to be opposed successfully, then they must also be opposed spiritually. These New Age beliefs do not oppose the corporations, they support the corporations. Only belief in God has the power to overcome evil.
Peaceful protest does not affect ruthless dictators. It is laughable when mainstream media reports that these peaceful protests are making a difference and they believe it. If you were a ruthless dictator, would a peaceful protest make you step down? Of course not.
There are only three ways to make evil corporate leaders stop: If you boycott their product and cost them money, if you vote the politicians who support them out of office, or if you jail them.
Just as in all illuminati designed events, there are undercover agents photographing everybody's face (biometrics) and agents provocateurs (hired thugs) in some locations to instigate riots. The riots so far primarily took place in Italy and Colorado.
For proof that the anarchists dressed in black are often really police officers, look up "Black Bloc Quebec" on YouTube.
When you think about peaceful protest, what are the first three names you think of? Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and the Dalai Lama.
Gandhi studied Theosophy under satanist Madam Blavatsky. He admitted in his autobiography to beating his wife.
Martin Luther King's top advisor was a communist and, according to Jacqueline Kennedy, King had wild sex orgies while still married. No doubt his activities were filmed to "keep him in line".
The Dalai Lama sought the CIA for weapons and training in the 1959 Tibetan Rebellion. The Dalai Lama and his corrupt elite slaveowner advisors were forced to flee after they lost. Tibetan citizens said they had more freedom under Chinese communism than under the Dalai Lama.
Some heroes.
“The more chaotic [the situation] becomes the better; for it will help train our troops and toughen the masses. Furthermore, [the chaos] will provide a sufficient reason to crush the rebellion and carry out reforms in the future.” (Mao Tse Tsung on the Tibetan Rebellion).
"I am a supporter of globalization" (Dalai Lama).
In television footage of the protest on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, the entire event was clearly staged. The protesters on camera were very bad actors who could not even read a cue card properly.
On the pavement was a chalk mark indicating where the police actors should stand for the cameras. See YouTube for the video.
Many protesters on the bridge reported feeling like they had been "lured into a trap", having been escorted by police part of the way before being contained. This sounds like the same "kettling" technique used on peaceful protesters during the G20 in Toronto.
It goes without saying that the Libyan and Egyptian protests were also setups. After Qadaffi was in power for 42 years, the United States "suddenly realized" that he was a ruthless oppressor this year? Right.
NATO is to end their Libya campaign on October 31. Once again, they waited for their satanic high holy day of the year to add their symbolism to their mess.
It is sadly amusing to watch youths manipulated through social media sites showing up for the protests and wondering "What are we doing here? What is our cause?". Very few speakers addressed the real issues and even fewer provided practical solutions.
Also notice that the Occupy Toronto protesters were stuck in the middle of nowhere, miles away from Bay Street (Toronto's "Wall Street") and City Hall, where nobody could see them.
This mirrors the G20 plan last year to stick the protestors in Allan Gardens, miles away from the action at the G20 Convention Centre.
The 2010 plan fell through as the crowd rejected their "protest pen". That hasn't happened this time around.
Think about it: If these protests were not in the illuminati's best interests, do you think they would report it every day in the illuminati controlled mass media? Of course not. The surrounding streets are full of media vehicles waiting for a speaker to say something they want to broadcast.
And if these protests were not in the illuminati's best interests, how quickly do you think the police would have been ordered to clamp down on them? About an hour. The protesters have now been there over a week.
Further proof that the protests are a staged illuminati event: They keep sending celebrities to Wall Street to keep the star worshippers interested in the story.
Did you ever notice that celebrities appearing in the stands at pro sports events are usually bored out of their skulls? That's because they don't want to be there. They are ordered to be there by their handlers, to promote the vacuous diversion of professional sports to the masses. This helps keep the public opiated and unaware that they are being robbed, poisoned, programmed, and enslaved. So do television, music, movies, video games, and internet porn. Enjoy the show.
Jack Black and his wife "enjoying" a basketball game.
This blog is not meant to discourage the protesters, only to raise awareness of the traps we are entering into, primarily communism, the occult, and a rising police state.
It would be wonderful to turn around this illuminati staged event so it bites them in the asp, kind of like an ouroboros (serpent) eating its own tail. Let's start by throwing away these meaningless 99% signs and making some real signs.
Occupy Atlanta Georgia poster.
Communist clenched fist with a sun worship background
and a laurel wreath symbolizing the "human gods" from Mt. Olympus.
Also note the red, black, and white colour scheme on almost every Occupy poster,
the colours of communism, Nazism, and the occult.
Occupy Austin Texas poster.
Communist red star similar to that used by Wal-Mart.
Actually, God is the supreme authority,
but who remembers that nowadays?
Occupy Buffalo New York poster.
Unfortunately, the crowd looks like it's giving a Nazi salute.
Occupy Portland Oregon poster.
Satanic Eye of Horus symbol.
Androgynous guy (?) with black eye mascara.
Another Occupy poster using an Eye of Horus symbol.
More red, white, and black.
"Down with capitalism"? Speak for yourself.
Are we protesting the right to earn a profit
or corporate corruption?
Those are two entirely different things.
Eye of Horus on the middle bill.
Looks like the three demolished towers of 9/11 (including WTC7).
Can you see the creepy E.T. style alien hidden in the tiger's nose and mouth?
For comparison, here are some communist flags.
Note the red stars, the laurels made of wheat, and the rising suns.
The rising sun symbolizes the Golden Dawn of a New Day,
in other words, a communist New World Order.
The same rising sun symbol is used by sun worshippers in the occult
to symbolize the return of the antiChrist.
For example, satanist Aleister Crowley created the Order of the Golden Dawn.
The only thing missing in the Occupy posters is the hammer and the sickle.
Finally a good Occupy poster.
Mark Carney has been sent from Goldman Sachs to run the Bank of Canada
and turn it into a "Canadian Federal Reserve".
They did such a good job destroying the U.S. economy that
now we're importing these geniuses to Canada.
Do we really want to owe foreign bankers trillions of dollars in debt
for money that we can print ourselves for free?
Haven't we rewarded their incompetence enough already?
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